Rainbow Bridge

Rescues Who Will Live on Forever in Our Hearts


Panzer, aptly named in German for “Tank”, was exactly that when we rescued him; and what we would soon find out that he was a tank in all aspects of his life. What a fitting name!  We were lucky to have Panzer for four and a half wonderful years- and I will admit that for a hot minute we considered finding a new home for him, but our hearts and love for him wouldn’t let us do that.  He was hard-headed sometimes, but what we now know is that’s what allowed us to have so many more memories of him. Panzer loved food and hated the outdoors.  Rain, sun, snow, you name it all he wanted was to be on his bed lounging in the living room, so that’s what we let him do. His partner in life was Olivia, our 11-year-old Belgium (he had great cougar taste!).  Our blessed Panzer, only six years old, fought a silent blood cancer that we never knew he had and never showed us he had until his body could not command anymore…like I said A TANK!  We love you and we are so sorry we didn’t have more wonderful years to grow together as a family.  We love you and will miss you!

Blake (Clutch)
I met Blake after a long deployment to Iraq and it was love at first sight. It didn’t take long for this energetic 4 yo to become my faithful companion. He loved our long runs, every time I put on my running shoes Blake would jump up and down with excitement.

Blake was a farm dog at heart. He was the happiest on our vacations to Iowa, where he had 5 nieces and nephews that he adored. One of his favorite past times was following the little ones and cleaning up the Cheerios they left behind.

For the last 7 years Blake and I have been inseparable. We have shared adventures and hardships. Through it all Blake’s never failing love has been the constant in my life. On April 27th I helped my beloved Blake cross the rainbow bridge.

“My heart aches for the day that I will see you again, my beloved faithful friend”

July 4, 2006 - September 17, 2014

     I once read that it's not the dates that mattered, it was the dash. What happened between those two days!!

     In September 2006, I drove down to North Carolina to pick up our sweet little Weim puppy at a TWR Fun Day.     Moose was about 10 weeks old and had been found in a barn, so very thin and with an obvious walking abnormality.?We were prepared to care for this special little boy and do whatever was needed to make him strong and healthy. Over the next weeks and months Moose got bigger and stronger and his gait was getting stronger each day. He was a joy and a bundle of love.

     When Moose was about 6 or 7 months old he developed an acute subluxation of his left shoulder and sclerosis of his cervical spine. We took him to NCSU Veterinary Hospital to be evaluated. After many tests and biopsies they were not sure what caused his abnormality but stated we could look into experimental surgery to correct it. We decided that since he was not in any pain, and otherwise healthy, that we would not put him through the surgery with no guarantees.


     Moose lived the next eight years as a very happy and spoiled Weimaraner. He was loved by everybody that met him. He greeted everybody with kisses and a waggling tail. He lived with his two siblings, Raegan and Gertie (another TWR).  He was an inspiration to many. He never seemed phased by his abnormalities. He would run, play and jump with the other dogs.

     On September 17, 2014, I helped my best boy cross the Rainbow Bridge. Over the weekend he began to lose his back legs and could not walk. We tried medicine to make him better, but it didn't help. So while he lay in my arms, I sang him a lullaby and kissed his sweet face good-bye. I told him I loved him more than the sun, the moon, the stars and earth. He took his last breath in my arms.

     Our hearts are saddened by his death, but he will always live on in our memories. Till we meet again my Mooseman, I love you.  We cannot even begin to thank TWR enough for the wonderful gift they gave us when allowing Moose to join our family. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for our Mooseman. Truly the best boy ever.


     Paige, Bob, Raegan and Gertie

We adopted our Gigi right at Christmas time 2010. Gigi may have gotten a home for Christmas but we gained a dog who made our home and family complete.
She exuded joy and love. Everyday she woke up and smiled at us. She was always happy and always ready to give love or be loved. Ready to go on a walk or go for a ride or snuggle or chase a squirrel up a tree. We truly enjoyed her quirky fun and silly personality. 
She went on many trips with us to the beach. She really enjoyed chasing seagulls! She also loved laying in the shade of the awning just watching. Gigi would let our dachshund thoroughly lick her face and eyes and ears. If Gigi was done she would just stand up. She was good to our children and good to guests in our home.  She was also the perfect amount of protective, she looked to us for her guidance and followed. You never had a doubt that Gigi would protect you if needed. 
Gigi would lay in our living room in the evenings or rainy days often with our son laying his head on her chest. We teased that he was her puppy because she very often checked on him before bed or would sleep with him during a storm. I really can't say enough nice things about her. Even with being sick for 2 years she took it in stride and just did her best. Gigi had a sense of humor that comes along with being a Weim.  She loved life and we are so happy we were able to share life with her, I am absolutely positive our lives are richer for it. A loyal and loving girl ready with a smile.
  They say when you adopt a dog you change that dog's world. Gigi changed our world for the better as well. 

On Friday, July 5th, 2013, my wife Tina and I lost our best friend, Smoky.  To say that he was loved and cherished would be an understatement that only those who have lost their own best friend can fully understand.


Smoky came to us in December, 2005 with the assistance of Rosi Adams who has helped so many others find just the right companion.  When we met Smoky he was a pretty wild, undisciplined two year old with eyes that just arrested you and a spirit that was indomitable. Tina was immediately taken in and I knew within minutes that he'd be taking the long drive back home with us. And so it began...


Over the next 7 1/2 years, Smoky was a constant and faithful companion.  He hated every minute that he wasn't by our side and though it wasn't always easy, we were the richer for it in so many ways.  He was strong, loving, and friendly with all he met, animal or human and rarely voiced discontent, even when he himself was ill or in pain.. He gave so much more than he demanded in return.


As it is with all of our best friends, the days we spend together are too short and the time comes when nature begins to take its course and assert its will.  Though Smoky was strong and stalwart to the end, there was no escaping the dictates of time, his body and the law of nature.  Eventually, we sensed and began to see  that something was amiss and it was ultimately confirmed by our vets who always gave Smoky great care over the years.


Perhaps the hardest decision we ever had to make was to say goodbye to our sweet, handsome boy so he would not have to needlessly linger on or suffer on our behalf.  He was still so strong, so full of life and good humor and we wanted him to be able to depart this life while he was still every bit the Smokyboy we cherished, despite the terrible sense of loss we knew we would experience in his wake.


We will always miss our beautiful boy and hold dear all the wonderful times and memories he has shared with us.  Rest in peace, beloved boy.  Godspeed.


Elliott & Tina

Remember Our Love

I was chosen today, I'm learning to fly.  

The world took me away, but please don't you cry.

And I chose you today to try and be strong;

so please don't you cry and don't say that I'm gone.

When you're feeling alone,just remember our love.  

I'm up near the stars looking down from above.

Remember our love, in a moment you'll see 

that I'm still here beside you when you're thinking of me.

Julie Epp


In October 2004 after losing our 6 year old Weimaraner unexpectedly, we contacted the Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue and asked that they look for an adult male to fit into our family.  A short time later, Rosie contacted us to say she had found just the dog.  We traveled approximately 200 miles, entered the facility where we were to meet Tucker and anxiously waited for him to enter the room….and did he ever in a big way!  He bounded into the room talking the entire way.  He had been abandoned by his previous owner and left to starve…yet he was so full of energy and life!  We knew right away we were not leaving without him and quite frankly he wasn’t going to let us.  On the way home we found out Tucker was not wild about riding in the car, however he was soon our constant companion as we traveled in our RV.  He ended up becoming so much the traveler that he accompanied us to the west coast and back in 2011.  Never meeting a stranger, Tucker spoke to everyone, his most famous statement being "I’m a good boy ".  Then on February 9, 2012 we lost our good boy.  He was approximately 12 years old and had hung on as long as he could.  We fought hard to save him but could not.  Our hearts are hurting and we haven’t made any decisions yet, but when and if we decide to get another pet, we will definitely adopt again.  Tucker was forever grateful for the home we provided and responded with so much love and joy that we will never forget our handsome fellow.

Tom, Donna and Shannon Dunn




Chris and I wanted to reach out and let you know that we lost our Dino to cancer on January 16, 2012.  We first brought Dino home on October 2, 2010 as a foster.  Dino was our first foster dog and we had every intention of giving him a warm, safe place to lay his head until we could find the perfect family for him.  Dino had hit a bit of a rough patch in life as his original owner had unexpectedly passed away that summer. Well…we didn’t have to look long or far.  It’s safe to say we all fell hard and fast.  Before I knew it, I had a gray shadow following me around everywhere I went and my husband (who works from home) had his newest “business partner”.  Every morning my husband would wake up and say, “let’s go to work” and Dino would grab his favorite toy “Hedgie” and head straight to the office.  It’s amazing how quickly a bond forms and we knew after a short period of time that Dino would fit perfectly right into our home.  My husband jokes we are “foster failures”.  After fostering for 3-weeks, we contacted TWR to complete the adoption paperwork.  We needed Dino as a permanent part of our family.


As a few more weeks went by, we like to say Dino started to “come out of his shell”.  I recall the first time he “talked” to us.  Now, Dino was our first Weimaraner, so we’re not sure if this is considered “normal” Weim behavior but I’m sure fellow Weim owners can relate.  I had just gotten home from work and after greeting me at the door, Dino runs to grab a toy (he always had to bring people a toy as they entered our home).  I’m standing in the kitchen talking to my husband and Dino rounds the corner and begins to “talk”.  My husband and I look at each other and for a moment we weren’t sure if he was growling or in pain!  Dino keeps “talking” and paces from the kitchen into the living room.  Finally, my husband follows to see what he wants…but, Dino keeps right on “talking” and pacing.  Finally, I make it into the living room to see what all the fuss is about.  That was all he needed.  Once he rounded us both up into the room he wanted to hang out in, he plops himself down content as can be.  I guess you can say he found his “voice” and from that day forward he was never shy about telling us what he needed.


Dino began to develop a cough the summer of 2011 and in July he had surgery at NCSU Veterinary Hospital to remove a growth in his throat.  Dino’s doctors informed us that within 15 minutes and after a very long and complex surgery they went into the recovery area and they find him standing up in his crate.  This dog is a fighter.  By the next morning, the hospital called and informed us that although he should be monitored at the hospital over the next few days; Dino was telling them he was ready to go home.  My husband and I looked at each other and knew…”they’re kicking our boy out”.  Like I said earlier, once he found his voice, he always told you what he needed.  We immediately went to go pick him up.  Sadly, it was discovered that the growth was cancerous.  Mid-December 2011 his cough returned and we were able to keep his quality of life strong until mid-January.  It happened very quickly.  One Saturday morning Dino had trouble following me up the stairs after breakfast.  We initially thought he was suffering from one of the side affects of his new medications – it can cause lethargy and muscle weakness.  Over the course of the day though, things progressed quickly and soon he’d lost the use of his hind legs.  We carried him to the Emergency Vet and ultimately lost our little guy on January 16, 2012.  Dino may no longer be able to “talk”; but he hasn’t lost his voice. I wanted to share part of Dino’s story to speak to those of you that are considering either becoming a Foster or adopting one of these amazing dogs.  They are everything you’ve ever read a Weim to be…strong-willed, headstrong and forever in need of attention.  But they are also full of personality, love and pure devotion.  Don’t ever doubt if you’ll be able to bond with an older dog.  We adopted Dino when he was 5 years old and he’ll forever be a part of us.


Thanks for all you do for these dogs.


Jill & Chris Hughes

A Dog’s Last Will and Testament  - Author Anonymous

Included in a recently published book in Germany Der Verlust eines Hundes The Loss of a Dog by Elli Radinger and translated by Janet Beasley


When humans die they prepare a will in order to leave their home and everything they own to all those they love.


If I were able to write I would also make out such a will.

To a poor, lonely, full of longing stray I would leave my happy home, my food bowl, my cozy bed, my soft pillow, my toys and the beloved lap.  The gently stroking hand, the loving voice, the place I had in someone’s heart and the love which, at the end, will help me towards a peaceful, painless end while being held in loving arms.


And when I die, then please don’t say:

“Never again will I have a dog, the loss is much too painful.”

Find yourself a lonely, unloved dog and give it my place in your heart.

That is my bequest.  The love I leave behind is all that I have to give.



We lost our sweet Gracie unexpectedly and our hearts have ached ever since. She was a perfect companion for our other Weim and taught Coco many of the pleasures of just having fun - running through the dog door at the sound of the other dogs barking next door, tracking lizards and "possums," sneaking treats from the cabinet, and even opening doors that we thought were closed. She had such a kind soul, never met a stranger, and gave us unconditional love from the minute she joined our family. We never tired of watching Gracie stalk lizards around the pond or chase squirrels up the trees. She loved the freedom of being in the yard when she chose or when she tired of hunting, settling into her favorite couch. She always loved having her tummy rubbed and when she sat up and looked at us, her huge beautiful eyes seemed to look into our souls.


Cancer stole her from us but the blessing was everything happened so quickly, she did not have to suffer. She had her evening meal, even ran in the yard with Coco shortly before she became sick and we took her to the doctor. We never dreamed she would not come back home with us. We are forever grateful to Rosi Adams and Dr. Rita McGinnis for giving this girl the chance she deserved and giving us the opportunity to love her. She will never be forgotten.  

Pete and Melissa



First, we need to thank Mary Dobbins for helping us to find Missy. Our much-loved friend died March 13. Cindy and I were blessed to have known her for the short five years she lived in our home. She added nothing but love and light during her short stay. Missy never once was a problem of any sort; always a true lady .... even to the end. She got on well with everybody even our Jack Russell who often nagged her. I know somebody must have taken care of her early in her life and I would like to think that her "golden years" were just as kind to her. Where ever we went around the house or yard, our dark blue shadow was not far behind, she even had her special bed in our bedroom. I must say, however, that even though she loved a car ride, she hated the water and only took a bath under protest. Such a lovely lady, she is sorely missed.



Sweet Icey's death was a total shock.   She had been fine and in fact had her well check up about 6 weeks prior with no indication of any problems. She played as usual with Colin, took her nap with him and took her ride to pick Landon up at school. She always starts about 5pm doing her dance wanting her supper and she ate good. After the kids went home, we took our usual place in our big chair, Icey always trying to take up more than her share of space, then about 9:30 she had a massive heart attack. She died immediately. She has a final resting place in a very special place in our yard. It will be so hard fill this void. Icey loved children and got along with cats. There are very few pictures that we have taken since Icey has been with us that do not include her.



The wonderful folks from Brother Wolf Rescue once again intervened on behalf of a Weimaraner  in need and contacted Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue. As plans were being made for Betsy to be transported and fostered in the Charlotte area, Brother Wolf Rescue pulled her from a kill shelter and arranged for a vet check and spay. Unfortunately, in addition to being emaciated and in all around poor condition, Betsy was diagnosed with Parvo.  Dr. Craig Hill and his staff provided around-the-clock care, treating and watching over this sweet girl with a kindness perhaps she had never known thus far in her life. For a while it looked like she might recover; but in the end, Betsy just did not have the stamina to pull through. We do not know sweet Betsy’s past, but we deeply mourn the loss of her future. At least she left this world surrounded by warmth and kindness.




Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue found out about a female Weimaraner from Brother Wolf Rescue in Asheville North Carolina. This nameless girl was dropped off at the kill shelter as she was unwanted and very obviously unloved. She had been used as "breeding stock" and had the sad body of a female dog that was used up and worn out at a very young age. She had recently delivered her very last litter.


We agreed to take this poor girl into Weimaraner Rescue get her spayed and much needed health care and with the help of Brother Wolf Rescue adopted her from the shelter and took her to a Veterinarian. Unfortunately this girl never had a chance to find the loving home she deserved as the Vet found an advanced malignant mammary gland cancer with a very dire outlook.


With the advice of the treating Veterinarian we felt the kindest decision was to send her to the "Rainbow Bridge" in a caring and loving way - telling her (possibly for the first time) that she indeed was a good girl.... We named her Peace as now she has peace, no more abuse, no more being exploited and used. This was a very sad day for Weimaraner Rescue .... it hurts.

Bonnie, aka "The Big Nonnie"


We lost our girl, Bonnie, to heart failure after seven wonderful years. We adopted her from Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue in July of 2000 to be a companion to Rommel. They had a great time and enjoyed each other immensely - he is really grieving her loss. It was really hard going back down to the house in North Carolina without her and watching Rommel search every room to look for her. I especially miss her vocal greetings at the door after coming home from work and her "talking", she'd tell you all about it! I never realized how quiet Rommel is until she was gone - they would howl (sing) together. I really miss having her lay on my feet sucking on her baby (a big fuzzy stuffed dog or Easter bunny - she never chewed toys). She added so much life to the house and she was just a real sweetie. Everyone loved the The Big Nonnie! She had a hard first three years, but I feel we gave her a wonderful seven with us. She traveled and played, and she was loved more than she will ever know.



We had Murphy for 13 months having gotten him from Suzan Fontaine at Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue. We all agreed that he was about one year old when we got him. When we met Suzan and Murphy (then called Jethro), we were enroute from Florida to Virginia Beach and then home to Ohio in a motorhome. Murphy joined our troupe which included Vickie and I, Jack, our ten year old male Weim and Whitt, Vickie's three year old male Jack Russell Terrier. It was sudden and complete immersion in our "pack". Murphy bonded with us quickly and everybody got along very well.


When we arrived home, Murphy began to have "episodes" of separation anxiety. He would open cabinets and drawers and remove the contents only occasionally chewing something that was too good to resist. I had to resort to child safety locks for some kitchen cabinets which he figured out in no time. I then got the super duty child safety locks which he also figured out. He figured out how to open the back gate and the door at work. There was not much that he couldn't figure out.


Murphy loved to go with me to work which he did almost every day. He was very well behaved and wanted to please. Murphy died unexpectedly of heart failure while we were leaving for work recently. He was a very special guy.



Bred and born as ‘King Wrigley Rio’ on October 7, 1997 in the Southwest of the country, our wonderful companion spent the first year of his life searching for the right caretaker. And with a little help from the Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue, he finally ended up with us on October 21, 1998. Since we could not handle that much royalty, he was renamed ‘Gatsby’ and had ever since tried to live up to his name.


We have a personal Training studio, and Gatsby was an integral part of it. He was ever willing to provide assistance. He firmly believed that hand and finger exercises are essential and provided ample opportunity on his own body for any amount of kneading, rubbing, petting and stroking. In return, he was very willing to provide ‘towel service’ if requested (or rather: tolerated).

He was also a willing model for the annual Christmas card, and we have it on good faith that his picture still has a permanent place on many refrigerators.

He continually demonstrated that dog training is a two-way street. The question of who was training whom will forever remain open. Gatsby has been our lucky charm. For all his mischief, we love him very much. And, as is quite normal for any dog, Gatsby encompassed that what is best in humanity.



I wanted to inform you that our weim, Dominic, passed Memorial Day weekend. We adopted him as Mozart in 1998, I think. I'll never forget this story. We contacted your organization with our desired criteria for our adopted family member: under one year old, male, intact. You called us with the story of Mozart. As typical of most rescues, he was in a divorced family but he was about 4 years old, neutered and very overweight. We decided to visit him anyway to consider adoption. Once we saw this boy, we were hooked. Yes, he was extremely overweight, 145 lbs, but he was sweet, affectionate and already protective of our kids. Not to mention, a handsome specimen. Dominic turned out to be the most wonderful, loving and important addition to our family. Over the spam of two years, we reduced his weight to around 90 lbs.  He was happy.


During the month of May of this year, his 14th year, we started to notice that he was losing control of his bowels and his rear legs. Having accidents in the house really bothered Dominic as he was always trying to please us.  How could we be upset with him, he didn’t know what was happening? He was already nearly deaf and had cataracts but nothing changed his spirit and nature. My husband, who enjoyed a weim as a child, was worried that he was one slip away from a disaster.  We could not bear the thought of Dominic being in pain, so we enlisted the help of our dear vet surgeon friend. He came to our house when we were ready and sent Dominic to the great milkbone in the sky from his favorite spot – his bed.  We were with him through it all and never cried so much in our lives!  What a wonderful gift from a friend.


Thank you for allowing us to share in the life of this amazing boy.  We will miss him terribly, but he will be in our hearts forever.  I have attached a photo of our guy.


With tears of Loss,

Jennifer Hardman



We contacted Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue about an adoption, we looked at all the different dogs which were available. There was no picture of Lucky only her sad story of her life, so we decided to set up a home visit.


 Lucky, who was estimated to be 7-8 years old, arrived on a Saturday morning. We saw the car turn into the driveway and we went to the door which opens into the garage, as soon as Lucky hit the ground, she ran up the driveway into the garage and into the house, right past us and began to inspect every room in the house. Once satisfied, she came back to us and sat down, as to say, "This will do." Little did we realize then, we were not adopting her but she was adopting us.


For more than six years she gave us her unconditional love. It was in the last six months of her life that we began to see her health begin to deteriorate quickly, and we had to begin to look at was best for Lucky. This was not an easy task, when we looked into her eyes they were full of love and life. My wife summed it up the best, she was a young soul in an old body. On August 27th our veterinarian came to the house and brought a quiet and gentle end to her life. She will always have a special spot in our hearts.



Rick and Lisa Cleveringa